Rachel's Challenge Sculptures
Once again, we brainstormed the themes from Rachel's challenge.
After exploring word lists, we cut as many printed words as we
could find that were examples: eliminating prejudice and l ooking for the
best in others, setting goals; keep a journal, choose your influences, use
kind works, and perform small acts of kindness.
We learned the proportions of human figures, we exploredgesture drawing, and
then mades wire armetures as the core of our figures. Then we wrapped them in
plaster strips, paint and our collaged words. It was a lot of fun.
Day of the Dead figurines, Mexico
Gesture drawing with model
Students explore, discover and understand by creating art work
using the different techniques to sculpt a 3 dimensional artwork:
Subtractive, Additive and Assembled.
The sculptures of artists, art movements and styles are explored
Multicultural Crafts/ArtSeminar
Crafts are not just glued popsicle sticks and dried flowers, they are the
functional-objects that people use in everyday life. Many cultures
(including our own) believe that these objects must be "aesthetically" pleasing; art. Students create "functional" art based on the history and traditions of cultures here and around the world. Check out the
Media Arts/Graphic Design
In this section, students explore the marriage between images and type (letters).
The artists and design movements that we will look at give amazing examples of successful visual communication. Some use of software will be used along with traditional art materials. To view some information and graphic design go to the American Institute of Graphic Arts, also known as AIGA.