• Visual Arts Standards



    NY State Visual Arts Standards http://www.nysaae.org
    Visual Arts Standard 1
    Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts
    Performance Indicator: Students will experiment and create arts of work in a variety of mediums, based on individual and collective experiences.
    Visual Arts Standard 2 
    Knowing and Using Art Materials and Resources
    Performance Indicator: Students will take advantage of community opportunities and cultural institutions to learn from professional artists, look at original art and explore materials, techniques and processes to increase their understanding of art.
    Visual Arts Standard 3 
    Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art
    Performance Indicator: Students will reflect on, interpret and evaluate their own works of art and the art of others using appropriate art language.
    Visual Arts Standard 4
    Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of Art
    Performance Indicator: Students will demonstrate how art works and artifacts from diverse wolrd cultures reflect aspects of those cultures.




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