Contributions, Donations and Support
Our mission is to encourage graduates of BCS, HCS, and BHCS to avail themselves of further education opportunities by providing scholarships for their use, maintain and enhance those properties to which we hold ownership, collect and properly store items pertaining to Union Academy of Belleville, Belleville Central School and Belleville Henderson Central School, and prudently manage those funds which come into our possession. We couldn't accomplish any of this without your continued contributions, donations, and support.
To donate to our UAB Endowment Fund which helps our scholarship funds, you may go to https://square.link/u/k1yrwSo5 or scan:
Alternatively, you may send a check or money order to:
UAB Endowment Fund
P.O. Box 208
Belleville, New York 13611
You may also contact Marisa K. Zehr Riordan-'94, UAB Secretary, at mriordan@bhpanthers.org with any questions.
The UAB Trustees work rigorously maintaining Frederick E. Williams Park and the Bell Tower. To help offset the cost of the maintenance, you may donate to
The Jim Stockwell Bell Tower Fund
You may do this by following the same steps as with the UAB Endowment Fund
If you are in possession of Union Academy of Belleville historical items and wish to donate them, please contact Marisa K. Zehr Riordan at mriordan@bhpanthers.org. She will work with the Historical Committee on making contact with you.