5th and 6th graders will be introduced to the Why Try Program. This program aims at building motivation to school and for the future, and incorporates the following skills:
Basic Problem Solving
Anger Management
Understanding Consequences of Decisions
Removing negative labels placed upon them
Dealing with peer pressure
Living by societies laws and rules
Building a support system
Having goals and visions for the future
The Why Try Program consists of ten visual analogies (pictures) with solutions and questions written around each picture to help students gain insight into how to deal with daily challenges. The program, its visual analogies, and its questions stress to studetns that although making good decisions can be difficult, doing so results in more opportunity, freedom and self-respect. Giving up and doing things that hurt ourselves and others, on the other hand, takes away opportunities, freedom and self-respect.
5th grade Visual Analogies:
Challenging Anger and Challenges into Positive Motivation: